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  1. My timeline so far: Applied: 23/05/2020 Test invite received: 15/01/2021 Test date: 18/02/2021. Passed 100%. Status: currently on the dreaded "Received". My partner: all dates as mine above. Approved immediately and letter received a few days later in post.
  2. My timeline so far: Applied: 23/05/2020 Test invite received: 15/01/2021 Test date: 18/02/2021. Passed 100%. Status: currently on the dreaded "Received". My partner: all dates as mine above. Approved immediately and letter received a few days later in post.
  3. Just wondering if anyone has had the person they noted on their 1195 form actually contacted by the department? Thanks.
  4. Hi. If would also be on immi account. I would keep checking immi before you wait by the letterbox.
  5. Hi there. Congratulations. Just out of interest, when they requested further information did they request this at your interview in person? Did you have to upload it etc?
  6. I sat my test with my partner last week. Both of us passed. He got his Citz awarded the same day. He now has a letter from Canberra and account says "approved". I'm still waiting with a "received" status on my immi account.
  7. I can't answer specifically as I am a Secondary English teacher (from London, teaching in Sydney, 15 years experience). I have, however, run the gauntlet with AITSL, the federal body which is assigned the role of deciding which teachers enter the country and can proceed to applying for a visa. If my experience is anything to go by, in Australia, rules are rules. There will be no flexibility and they will not allow you through the AITSL gates unless you have exactly what they want - and have evidence (evidence, evidence, evidence) to prove what you claim. If you want to be in with a chance, you must get that experience before applying. Sorry, but AITSL is very, very rigorous. A word you will hear a lot out here is "compliance" - you'll need to comply with their requirements. Good luck agm
  8. You're a star - thanks for the tip. BEYOND helpful!
  9. Cheers for that milliem. Was this for Smart teachers or another agency - or with a school directly themselves?
  10. Hi there. Has anyone on here ever had a Skype interview with Smart teachers? I have one this week. It's only a 20 minuter but want to see if anyone else has been through the experience. What types of questions etc. Thanks
  11. Hi. There is no way around this. You have to register at a RMS / Motor Registry office in person in NSW. This will set you up an account with the State - which you can then use to pay for your WWCC. You can do both in the new (and very efficient) Service NSW, 2-24 Rawson Place at Haymarket. You will need a proof of address in Australia, too. For this I was able, amazingly, to use my AirBNB receipt which had my name and the Sudney address on it. The only thing I can suggest is to have yourself a little trip over to Oz for a holiday when convenient? It's a bit of a gamble resigning.
  12. A woman I trained on TeachFirst in the UK completed her two years and has got a fantastic job out in Hong Kong. She more than doubled her wage overnight (to £40K) and had a lot of help from the school with paperwork and visas etc. She is really living the high life and takes students on trips around Asia and Africa - and gets paid to do it. This would be well worth considering if you're free and easy with regards to where you go. I started the whole Oz process in January last year when I sent my gear off to AITSL and I've still probably got a few weeks left to run yet with BOSTES (or longer if they start asking for additional transcripts with regards to my PGCE). Good luck!
  13. A woman I trained on TeachFirst in the UK completed her two years and has got a fantastic job out in Hong Kong. She more than doubled her wage overnight (to £40K) and had a lot of help from the school with paperwork and visas etc. She is really living the high life and takes students on trips around Asia and Africa - and gets paid to do it. This would be well worth considering if you're free and easy with regards to where you go. I started the whole Oz process in January last year when I sent my gear off to AITSL and I've still probably got a few weeks left to run yet with BOSTES (or longer if they start asking for additional transcripts with regards to my PGCE). Good luck!
  14. Hi backtoback, You're right to decide at this point if it's worth it. The system in Australia is very bureaucratic and there is no fast-track or preferential treatment for skilled migrants. This system eats certificates and paper and I am only just nearing the end of the process with all of my certificates etc with BOSTES as we speak. If you're having doubts I'd stay well away. I have 13 years of experience up to departmental management level, plus was accredited as an AST (top 10% of teachers in the country) but even with this I am bracing myself for a fight on my hands to get a job and have moved out here with a view to coming back to the UK (or somewhere else) in 18 months' time if I can't get something that I am happy with. I'm going to give it a go and if Australia doesn't want me there are plenty of countries in the Middle East and Asia who will. That's how I'm viewing it. Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide.
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